
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


When I write, I always spend way too long thinking of an introduction. And since this is my first blog ever, I don't even know how to begin. So, I am just going to get right into it and introduce myself. I will try to keep it somewhat short.

For those of you who might not know me, my name is Stephanie. Here is what I'm all about and what I am most likely to write about: 

My Savior Jesus Christ. - He has broken my chains and bandaged my heart. Now my heart beats for Him. I want to spend my life in total surrender and complete devotion to Him. Because that's where true life is found. In losing my life for Christ, I have found LIFE. What is different about the life Christ offers? His life is truth, hope, purpose, peace, fulfillment, rest, strength, and confidence. I could keep going... but hopefully you get the point. He is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. I know this with everything in me. 

Health. - What comes to mind when you hear this word? For me, I think of food/nutrition, herbs, sleep, movement, and emotions. I think about preventative care and natural care. I don't believe that drugs are the answer and I think they cause a lot of problems that earn pharma a lot of money. I think the American "health care system" has it all wrong, which is pretty apparent considering the disease rates in this country. I won't start to rant on that yet... There will be time for that later... :P

Food. - This kind of goes hand in hand with health, but its separate enough to have its own category :) ooo let me tell you my favorite foods! In no particular order: sweet potatoes, cucumbers, quinoa, lemons, avocados, bananas, spinach, buckwheat, okra, broccoli, cauliflower, plums, almonds, lentils, chocolate, mangoes, spaghetti squash...anyways this list could go on awhile. The foods I don't like to put in my body? Wheat, dairy, soy (unless organic and fermented), corn (unless non-GMO), processed sugar,  preservatives, pork, and conventionally raised farm animals. 

Nature. - One of the ways I can really enjoy who God is and the peace that he offers, is through His creation. Oh, the feeling of sitting atop the mountains and seeing the lakes, rivers, trees, sunsets...

Honest Communication. - This is just so crucial in so many different ways. Don't ever let fear, doubt, anger, or anything keep you from communicating. It can solve so many things and open up so many doors.

Learning. - There are so many great things to learn about. I have no time for boredom! So many books, documentaries, wise people... Seek wisdom my friends :)

Truth. - It's hard to decipher these days. I don't want to be led astray or fooled. So I look at all the perspectives I can and don't just accept conventional ways. I've found that there is not a whole lot of truth to be found in them. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, and oftentimes it takes some digging to find it. 

I think I'll stop there for now. This should hopefully show you a little bit of who I am. 

Before I conclude this post... I want to explain my title for this blog. With action, in truth (in reference to 1 John 3:18). This is how I want to live out my life and my love. I strive to be active in fulfilling my purpose on this earth, and I want to do so in truth- not being ignorant of the deception and warfare going on around me. I want the blogs that I post to be more than just words on a page... If I make a goal, I want to live it out. This is to keep me accountable. To keep me honest and real. To keep me active and truthful. 

Thanks for reading :D

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