
Monday, February 18, 2013

Spicy Peanut Butter Hot Cocoa!

Okay, I know this sounds like a crazy combination... But if you truly appreciate chocolate and unique flavors... I think you might like it! 

Especially on a cold day... This will warm you right up!

Oh! This is my very first recipe that I have actually written down to share with the world! I hope you like it, and if you have any tips or suggestions, let me know! 

Spicy PB Hot Cocoa

(Serves 1)

1/2 Cup .......Milk of Choice (almond, coconut, sunflower)
1/2 Cup .......Filtered Water (or skip and do 1 full cup milk)
1 Tbsp ........Cocao Nibs* or Cocoa Powder
1 Tbsp ........Coconut Sugar
1/2 Tbsp** ....Honey
1 1/2 Tbsp ...Creamy Peanut Butter***
Pinch of salt, cayenne pepper, and black pepper to desired taste! ****

If using cocao nibs: Grind cocao nibs and coconut sugar. (I use a magic bullet. A food processor would probably work too.) 

Heat milk and water on medium heat. Once warm, add honey and peanut butter and mix with whisk or fork. Next add the cocao and coconut sugar and continue to stir until the mixture is hot. Pour into a mug and enjoy! 

* I grind the cocao nibs because it gives the drink a lovely texture. If you prefer it smooth, use powder.
** 1/2 Tbsp is equal to 1 1/2 tsp
*** You could also sub sunflower seed butter or almond butter, it will just have a different taste. The nut/seed butter gives this a thick texture and keeps the cocoa and spices from sinking to the bottom. If using peanut butter, use organic. At the very least...use peanut butter labeled 'natural' that doesn't contain any hydrogenated oils! 
**** Experiment! If you like it sweeter (and aren't worried about sugar) add a little more honey. Or you could try adding some cinnamon (which will help to balance blood sugar levels since this is a sweet drink). 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I just want to tell you all how much I love buckwheat!

What is buckwheat you ask? Doesn't that have gluten?

To answer the second question: NO! It is completely gluten free.

To answer the first question: Buckwheat is commonly referred to as a grain, but really comes from the seeds of the flowering buckwheat plant!

Which looks like this:

And this is what the seed looks like:

Now to the important stuff... Buckwheat can be prepared a few different ways. It has a mild flavor so it can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. One of the healthiest ways (and also my personal favorite) is to sprout the raw seeds and then dehydrate them. You can use them in granola, as a salad topping, or even in smoothies! You can also roast the buckwheat. Roasted buckwheat is called kasha. The typical way to prepare buckwheat is boiling water and cooking it. Simmer in 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of buckwheat or kasha. After about 20 minutes its all done! Simple right? After it is cooked you can add whatever you'd like to it. Today I prepared it in a savory dish with curry and lentils. Other times I have added cinnamon and honey. Either way it is delicious!

There are some really great nutritional benefits from eating buckwheat as well. It is very high in magnesium, manganese, and fiber, and contains the eight essential amino acids. It has been shown to be good for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. 

I won't go into too much detail and bore you with all the details of this wonderful food, but just know that it is delicious, healthy and smells amazing when you cook it!

If you want to listen to a motivating and lovely song click the link.

Love you all and God bless you beautiful people!